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William C. Poe's Blog

Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost? What Experts Say

November 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 7:35 am
Tooth Implant With Money on a white background

Do you currently wear dentures but want a more reliable, long-term solution? With each passing year, implant dentures are growing in popularity. However, implant treatment typically costs more than traditional restorations like crowns, bridges, or dentures. If you’re a price-sensitive shopper, you may be wondering if dental implants are really worth the cost. Keep reading below to discover the answer.


The Best (& Worst) Foods to Eat for TMJ Disorder

October 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 12:11 pm
Three colorful fruit smoothies with straws on a ledge

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder refers to any condition that causes pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that control the jaw. According to the National Institutes of Health, over 10 million Americans are estimated to be affected by TMJ disorders. Are you experiencing persistent jaw pain?  Certain foods can make TMJ disorder symptoms worse, while others can provide relief. Here are some suggestions for foods to enjoy (and avoid) when you’re dealing with TMJ disorder symptoms. 


Denture Adhesive: What Type Is Right for You?

September 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 6:06 pm
picture of dentures and denture adhesive

For those missing multiple or all of their teeth, dentures are a great way to fill in their smile so they can get back to laughing, eating, and speaking with confidence and ease. Ideally, your dentures will perfectly fit in your mouth and won’t move around too much. Even so, slipping dentures aren’t uncommon. Denture adhesive can help hold them in place. There are several different kinds of adhesive, so how can you know which one is right for you? Read on to learn about the types of denture adhesive and how to know which one is the best option.


5 Risks of Slipping Dentures

August 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 1:22 am

Older woman in dental chairDentures are a tried-and-proven solution to treat significant tooth loss. New technologies and high-quality materials allow them to look and feel more realistic than ever. They’ll fit your mouth like a glove as they rest on top of your gum tissue and are held in place by suction. However, over time, your dentures may begin to slip. While an adhesive can hold them in place, ill-fitting dentures can cause serious complications if the issue isn’t addressed. Here are 5 risks of ignoring poorly fitting dentures.


Am I Too Old to Get Cosmetic Dental Treatment?

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 2:44 am
mature woman dental chair smile in mirror

Have you been intrigued by the possibilities with some of the cosmetic dental treatments you’ve seen, or do you just know you want to make strides in your smile? But you’re also thinking that maybe you are just too old to pursue the improvement? Well, forget about that second notion, because age is nothing but a number! And the advancements in modern cosmetic dentistry can make a massive difference in your smile and offer you several pathways to get there. Keep reading to learn why the time is now for your grin with the help of your Los Alamitos cosmetic dentist.


Struggling to Sleep in the Summer? Check Out These Tips!

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 9:22 pm
young woman with insomnia during summer

Are you having trouble catching z’s during summer? Rest assured – you’re not alone. Several factors can cause you to toss and turn all night long. If you have sleep apnea, you may struggle to get adequate rest and experience daytime fatigue, moodiness, and loss of concentration. Unfortunately, this can cause your overall health to take a turn for the worst. Read on to learn a few helpful tips for getting quality sleep this season.


How Do Dentures Affect Your Sense of Taste?

April 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 3:37 pm
Dentures and taste highlighted by jellies

As you get older, it’s normal to lose your ability to do certain things as you did before. Maybe you can’t run quite as vigorously or need more help doing household tasks. The aging process even leads to a  decline in your sense of taste. However, the latter can be affected by dentures as well. In other words, your false teeth may interfere with your ability to sense flavors. To learn more, here’s a summary of the relationship between dentures and taste from your Los Alamitos dentist.


Do Dental Implants Trigger Airport Metal Detectors?

February 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 12:34 am
Airport metal detector

Whether you are finally making it to your dream destination, visiting your grandparents, or travelling for a business trip, the part you are looking least forward to is going through airport security. Usually, you make it through the line without a problem, but with your new dental implants, who knows what will happen this time. That giant metal detector is the only thing that’s standing between you and your gate, and there is titanium in your mouth! Continue reading to learn why your dental implants shouldn’t be a concern during your excursion.


New Year, New Smile: 3 Reasons to Kick Off 2022 with Invisalign

January 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 4:45 pm
Person holding Invisalign braces

The new year has just begun, and you’re ready to make 2022 your best one yet. It’s time to get your relationships, work-life, and health back on track. Beginning Invisalign treatment early this year will allow you to make leaps and bounds of progress toward your health goals. Investing in your smile by completing the entire Invisalign treatment process can also set the tone for a highly successful year, where discipline and improved health enhance the quality of your life. 


How Can I Enjoy Holiday Foods without Harming My Teeth?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 8:17 pm
little boy and girl with candy canes

The holiday season can be an exciting time of year, as you catch up with family and friends you don’t see very often and find out how their lives have changed. Then there are the delicious holiday foods that go along with those gatherings. Well, excuse your teeth if they don’t share your enthusiasm.

It’s just that there are a lot of sugary food items for them to deal with, in addition to other pitfalls. Keep ready to get some tips from your dentist in Los Alamitos about how you can enjoy holiday foods without compromising your oral health.  

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